4.6.2. Create Webhook Template

The following table and figure are an example, of what you could specify in your Create template definition, together with a list of the minimum recommended fields**:

Table 16. Connect.Create Webhooks Template JSON Fields
Field Name Type
(max length)
MerchantReference String[20] M This is the unique identifier that is used by the Merchant to identify the transaction on his system.
Was sent by the merchant in the original post.
Amount Decimal M The amount of the transaction.
Was sent by the merchant in the original post
ErrorCode** String[3] M Error code returned.
See Appendix D of the Merchant Interface Payments Page technical specification for a list of error codes.
If ErrorCode="00" then transaction was accepted and will be processed (TransactionStatus below must be "Success" however).
ErrorDescription String[250] The description of the error that has occurred.
Can be empty. Will only contain value if there was an error.
TransactionStatus** String M Indicates the current status of transaction.
Valid values:
  • Initialised
  • Success (check for this instead of ErrorCode="00")
  • Failure
TransactionId String[21] M Unique transaction identifier returned by VPG for a successful payment.
Currency ^ String(3) O Country currency.
Supply the 3 character ISO currency code. Defaults to "ZAR".
SupplierID ^ String O This is the VPG assigned merchant identifier.
The SupplierID field value will be submitted as SupplierAlias which are synonymous.
e.g. "VC Upfront Payments" Will be provided by VFS after merchant on-boarding.
Stamp String(38) O Unique identifier issued by the merchant representing the instance of the transaction request.
MetaData.LinkID String O A unique reference to the URL generated by a call to the Connect/Create response object.See Table 13. Connect/Create RESPONSE Object
ControlKey N/A M Encrypted value used to check that the values posted back correspond to a valid Payment Gateway Postback.
See APPENDIX C for details on how this value is generated.
Without this, could fail PCI vulnerability check.
CustomerIdentifier String O The unique id sent to the payment gateway if sent by the merchant.
MerchantIdentifier Guid O The GUID id of the merchant in the payment gateway.
Figure 7. Connect.Create Webhooks Template
Figure 8. Connect.Create Webhooks Template – Base64 Encoded

